The following statistics are from our 2022/23 impact report.

Guardians on how mentoring helped their sons:

89% said it had a positive effect

67% said it improved mental wellbeing

89% said it helped their son try new things

72% said it helped their son’s confidence

72% said it improved the physical wellbeing of their son

94% were happy with the communication between Chaper2, guardian and mentee

94% said the mentoring provided a positive male role model for their son

My son doesn’t stop talking. They get on very well and just ‘click’. It’s really nice to see them together.

Mentees on their 1:1 mentoring relationships

100% rated their sessions as excellent or good

100% rated their mentor as excellent or good

80% rated their activities as excellent or good

100% rated talking with their mentor as excellent or good

80% rated their group activities as excellent or good

100% said that their mentors are trustworthy, consistent, and take a genuine interest in them

My mentor challenges me to do things out of my comfort zone … As I get older, I feel we’ll be able to do more things together, go further and go to different places.

Annual Report

Read our 2023/24 annual report, which includes a more in-depth review of our outcomes.