
The Christian faith is at the heart of Chapter2’s mission, in that Chapter2 believes God has a deep concern for the most marginalised in society and most notably the fatherless. Chapter2 provides practical support to the fatherless as a response to the nature of God and how He wishes those that believe in Him to reflect His nature.

Our primary aim is to build trust with those Chapter2 serves by acting with kindness, perseverance and a commitment to building enduring relationships. Chapter2 does not actively seek to proselytise (to induce someone to convert to one’s faith).


In order to accomplish Chapter2’s aim, we work in partnership with churches that share our core beliefs and that wish to support the fatherless within their local communities. In addition to our partnership programmes Chapter2 also operates a centralised programme, in which all mentoring activities are managed solely by Chapter2.

Do you need to be a Christian to mentor?

Chapter2 also believes that God wishes His believers to demonstrate love without judgement to everyone that they interact with regardless of their religious beliefs. As a consequence Chapter2 does not expect nor require all young persons and Mentors to share its beliefs.